What We Do

Socio-economic Empowerment

This deals with the following:

  1. Awareness Creation and recruitment of members for the Union/Sacco
  2. Mobilize savings from members
  3. Entrepreneurship Trainings
  4. Loans disbursement to members
  5. Sacco Education
  6. Sacco Administration

Networking & Partnership

This deals with the following:

  1. Partnership and collaboration
  2. International Seminars/workshops/Conferences
  3. Resource mobilization
  4. Lobbying and advocacy

Institutional development of union/sacco

This deals with the following:

  1. Recruitment of new staff
  2. Identification of staff needs/gaps for Trainings
  3. Capacity building of Union/Sacco leadership

Education/Mobilization & Recruitment

This deals with the following:

  1. Awareness creation on Labour Relations issues
  2. Organize, recruitment and retention of workers into union membership
  3. Labour Dispute Resolution
  4. Trainings on Labor issues, Leadership, Communication and Negotiation Skills
  5. Collective Bargaining Agreements
  6. Promote, Protect and Safeguard workers rights
  7. Hiv/aids, Health and Safety, Child labour and Sexual harassment
  8. Fundraising activities
  9. Attend local and International workshops/ conferences
  10. Legal representation and counseling services to members